Our Speakers我們的演講者
These leaders epitomize the success of Chinese enterprises in overseas markets, especially in North America. Their experiences will be an invaluable asset to young entrepreneurs aspiring for internationalization.
這些企業領導者代表了中國企業家在海外市場,特別是在北美市場取得成功的典範,他們的經驗對於渴望國際化的年輕企業家來說將是無價的財富。 Viewin致力於建立橋樑,連結不同文化和商業實踐,我們相信這次合作將為所有參與者帶來前所未有的價值和機會。
About The Event 關於活動
This event is designed as a dynamic platform for invited guests and audience members, offering insightful 20-minute presentations by each speaker, interactive panel discussions on topics submitted by attendees during the tea break, and ample networking opportunities to foster collaboration and exchange within the industry.
此活動旨在為受邀嘉賓和觀眾成員提供一個充滿活力的交流平台,包括每位演講者的20分鐘洞見分享、之後圍繞茶歇期間參與者提交的話題進行座談討論,以及豐富的網絡構建機會 ,促進產業內的合作與交流。
QA 向參會嘉賓提問
Ask questions to the guests during the event